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United Nations and Mental Health

Role of United Nations in Mental Health and it's development.
Persons in huge numbers are facing mental and psychosocial illness in the world.
According to an estimate, one in four people globally will experience a mental health problem in their lives.
In this world, almost one million people died due to suicide every year and it is the third leading cause of death among young people.
Depression became the leading cause of deaths in recent years.
Mental illness like alcoholism became part of ten leading causes of disability in both developed and developing countries.
Right now depression is the third leading reason in the global deaths and it's projected to become first by 
" Persons with mental and psychosocial disabilities often face stigma and discrimination as well as experience high levels of physical and sexual abuse which can happen in a various types of places such as homes, workplaces, hospitals, prisons and others."
The financial burden due to mental health problems is vast, but a reasonable contribution can help to improve better mental health for people through a reasonable investment.
Poor mental health is responsible for various problems such as poverty, violence, gender inequality, compromised education and many other global challenges.
The poor mental health affects the efficiency of a person and it decreases the work productivity of an individual.
Now the scenario is changing and international community is recognizing invisible disabilities like
mental health issues which is one of the most neglected disease, yet it is
achieving some internationally agreed development.
WHO Quality Rights Toolkit
The WHO Quality Rights Toolkit is providing countries with practical information and tools for assessment and improvement in quality and human rights standard in mental health and social care facilities.
This toolkit is based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

It provides practical guidance on:-
1) The human rights and quality standards must be respected, protected and fulfilled in both cases
for in-patients and out-patients mental health and social care facilities.
2) There must be a preparation for conducting a comprehensive assessment of facilities.
3) Reports, findings and surveys must be used for making appropriate recommendations on the basis of the assessment.
The toolkit can be used in any type of country in terms of income-  high, middle and low. Different stakeholders, assessment committees, NGOs, National Human Rights Institutions, National Health or Mental Health Commissions, Health Services Accreditation Bodies and other medical bodies with an interest in monitoring and promoting the rights of people with disabilities.
Mental Health and It's Development.
In course to highlight the urgency to pay attention towards mental health in development, WHO had done a great work.
It shows compelling evidences that persons suffering with mental health problems face major criteria for vulnerability and yet fall through the cracks of development aid and government attention.
The policies and programmes are designed to reach out the vulnerable group through the inclusion of mental health interventions into broader poverty reduction and development strategies.
It also describes a number of key interventions which can provide a starting point for these efforts.
This report is a call to action all development stakeholders- multilateral agencies, bilateral agencies, global institutions, private foundations, academic and research institutions, governments and civil society to focus their attention on mental health.
Through investing in persons with mental health conditions, development outcomes can be improved.


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