modern-day bane
This is the story of Little Aryan who is the only child of his parents. Aryan had celebrated his 5th birthday but something was missing in him. Aryan was nowhere around in that sphere. It not started suddenly for him, it had started from his starting days of childhood. Aryan started to speak after the age of 2 and half years.
At this point of
time his mother sensed something is missing and his parents consulted their
personal doctor, but he took it in a casual manner and told them it is a normal
difference in development. He advised them to enrol Aryan in playgroup school
and by the age of five, he will be normal.

Here the question arises what an Autism is?
Autism is a
neurobiological disorder presenting from early childhood characterized by great
difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in
using language and abstract concepts.
Little Aryan showed several of the signs of
the conditions like:
1) He was
intermittent in his eye contact.
2) He did not
respond to his name.
3) When he wanted
something, he did not ask for it nor did he point rather took his parents to
what he desired or just helped himself.
4) He showed little
interest in other interest.
5) He didn’t
really participate in the reciprocal games of childhood.
The psychiatrist
whom Aryan’s parents consulted informed them that Aryan would need multiple
interventions to develop various capabilities. His difficulty with sleeping and
inability to point at objects were due o differences in his sensory motor
therapy would help to improve these and Aryan had to go with speech therapy to
improve his communication skills and his ability to mingle with others.
After 10 months
hard work done by the team of an occupational therapist, a speech therapist and
a development educator who have worked for three hours a day in five days a
Autism Quick Facts:
1)The incidence of Autism is on the rise. According to reports, from USA one in every 60 children has Autism.
2)Clinical data from India indicates a similar rate even if we don’t have the exact epidemiological figures.
3)Autism is a lifelong condition that has no straight medical cure.
4)Researches which were done recently indicates that intensive early intervention provides the best possible outcome for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
5)While every child may not have trajectory like Aryan’s the right intervention will help optimize each child’s potential.
6)It is now possible to identify warning signs in babies as young as six months.
Article Source:
Deepa Bhat Nair
Picture Source:
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