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Showing posts from October, 2020

लोकडाउन में मनुष्य की व्यथा कथा

ज़िंदगी अपनी तेज रफ्तार से चल रही थी, पर आज सालों बाद ये समय आया है कि दुनिया थम सी गई है। ये रुकी हुई रफ्तार भी अजीब सी बेचैनी लेकर आई है और जनाब जीवन की रफ्तार रुकी हुई है कोरोना वायरस से। 21 दिन का लॉकड़ाउन जहां इंसानों के लिए बेचैनी लेकर आया है वहीं प्रकृति के लिए एक नई दुनिया लाया है। पशु बिना डर के घूम रहे हैं। पक्षी भी अपनी रफ्तार से खुश हैं खुले आसमान में। हवा प्रदुषण मुक्त है, नदियों का पानी साफ़ सुथरा हो चला है।  अगर बेचैन है तो वो इंसान है, पर क्यूं ये मात्र एक कल्पना जैसा दिखाई देता है कि इंसान इस थमने के बावजूद व्यस्त ही दिखाई देता है? यह व्यस्तता समाज में सोशल मीडिया के प्रचलन का नतीजा है। आज के आधुनिक युग में सोशल मीडिया इंसान के लिए एक मात्र साधन रह गया है समय व्यतीत करने का और आज-कल बहुत प्रचलित है। एक ज़माना था जब पूरा परिवार साथ बैठकर रामायण और महाभारत देखता था पर आधुनिक समाज की विडंबना देखो, आज लोग अलग–अलग कोने में बैठकर समय व्यतीत करते हैं।  कोरोना  के चलते 21 दिनों के लॉकडाउन से पूरा देश बंद है क्योंकि सरकार का आदेश है कि अपने घरों में रहो और सुरक्षित...


One common site now a days is the blatant disregard for the need to wear mask by people in public places. Either masks are not worn or they are half worn up to chin only, as if pandemic has never been there. What explains this type of irrationality among people? Is it just indifference towards oneself and others or just psychological exhaustion among people? Whatever the reason, it is just not acceptable. Perhaps Psychology may have an explanation for this type of behavior? In psychology there is a concept called as base rate neglect- a decision-making error in which information about the rate of occurrence of something in a population is ignored or not given appropriate weight, these calculations are made by brain unconsciously. In simple words, people have a tendency to judge the probability of something untoward happening erroneously. People are already occupied by mundane activities and deadline. Working memory being occupied, mind’s ability to assess probability of getting infect...

How Corona virus impacts everyone’s mental health

The dialogue around mental health is now in the talks more than ever. The Corona virus pandemic has caused huge rifts and ripples on how our society functions mentally and physically. Everyday seems to bring a new struggle which directly or indirectly is an effect of the current pandemic. There has been a significant change in the face of mental health- Pre and Post Covid era, also influencing the future of our society's social and mental network.      Courtesy: Medical University Of South Carolina   WHO (World Health Organisation) defines intellectual health as a nation of intellectual well- being wherein humans cope properly with the various stressors of life, wherein humans can recognize their personal ability and might feature productively and fruitfully, and are capable of making contributions to their communities. According to an estimate with the aid of the WHO, intellectual contamination makes approximately 15% of the full sickness situations across the ...

Talking Positive to Yourself: Does it really matter?

Self-Talk is not something unknown or unversed for all of us! This is what we commonly do all throughout the day. Just like when you say to yourself- 'Okay, you got this', 'You're so stupid', 'Don't embarrass yourself this time' –you are talking to yourself!  Researches have found that, the way you talk to yourself is directly related to the direction you are compelling your mind to think in, which then, is responsible for how you perceive and react to things and daily life situations thereby forming your behaviour that ultimately becomes a part of your personality. Let's get deeper into what self-talk is all about: Self talk is your inner voice that you usually don't say out loud, because it's just a conversation with yourself. It's like a personal internal narrative that goes on in your head about some decisions you've taken or are about to take, feedback of the way you behaved in front of someone etc., Now, let's jump ...

Know the Mental Well-being of Your Child

Early detection and treatment of mental disorders in children is essential. When a mental disorder occurs, it becomes a part of the nature of your child if timely intervention is not done. This makes recovery more complicated. But knowing when your child has a serious problem isn't always easy. Everyday pressures can trigger changes in the actions of your child! Mental health is a significant component of the general health of children, has a dynamic interactive link with their physical health and their ability to excel in education, at work and in society. On the inside and outside, both physical and mental well-being influence how we think, feel and act.  Causes of Mental Illness The exact cause of most mental disorders is not clear although evidence indicates that a variety of factors could be involved, including genes, biology, psychological trauma, and environmental stress. Heredity (genetics): Mental illness appears to be prevalent in families, which suggests that parent...

How story of COVID-19 survivors can prepare you better…

My routine work was going on as usual till 5th September 2020, when I developed high fever along with cough and throat infection, I took paracetamol(PCM) and I was alright for the day. The next day my fever was back taking the toll on my father and brother as well. We visited a local doctor and he prescribed us the routine PCM and antibiotics. The next day, 7th September which in hindsight, I would call as a black day in my life we visited the nearest COVID TESTING CENTRE and all of us were diagnosed as COVID POSITIVE. It seemed the sky came crashing down on us. I had a sudden sinking feeling with weakness enveloping my whole body and a rush of thoughts. I was mentally shaken up though just a moment ago I was completely alright.Collecting my thoughts I somehow managed to reach home. One of our neighbours came to know about us being COVID POSITIVE and the news spread like wild fire. The attitude of everyone around us changed suddenly and they started to maintain distance fro...

Social and Cultural Determinants of Mental Health in India

Prince et al. (1998) has defined culture as “the totality of habits, beliefs, ideas, attitudes and values, as well as the behaviors that spring from them (language, art, eating habits, marriage patterns, and so forth)”. The World Health Organization or WHO (2014) has highlighted “the need to specifically address social determinants of mental health, and recognition of the influence of social determinants on mental health”. The study of mental disorders across cultures is of value because mental illnesses are generally from a universal point of view but cultural implications are present and hence they should be recognized to fit specific needs of the populations. Social exclusion refers to the inability of our society to give all groups of individuals resources to reach their full potential. Important variables that indicate exclusion from social and economic opportunities are economic capability (poverty), age, gender, caste and religion, etc. In the Indian context, caste can be broadl...

Music Therapy

Music therapy, under the umbrella of psychotherapy, is an evidence-based clinical use of musical interventions to improve the quality of life of clients. Music expresses the emotions of a person. There are two types of emotions namely positive (happy) and negative (sad) .   The purpose of music therapy is to satisfy an individual’s emotional needs and also to find the real inner-self and self-potential. There are two types of music therapy: Receptive music therapy ( patient only listens to music) Active music therapy (Patient participates in activities like singing or playing musical instruments) Many activities are included in music therapy such as: Listening to songs, drumming, vocals,guitar rhythm, and piano, listening to instrumental music. Patient follows the activities as per instructions. Therapist helps patient to take musical therapy like Receptive music therapy to just listen to music by the musical instruments or device audio. In the other therapy like active ...