We live in the twenty-first century, where we all are concerned with all sorts of luxury and comfort. All of us are running in some race: a race of being the best, be at the top. Not knowing that sometimes we might meet with the opposite of best and top too.
And in all of this chaos, we forget to pay heed to one of the most crucial things that is our mental health.
According to the National Survey of Children’s Health:
- 7.4% of children aged 3-17 years (approximately 4.5 million) have a diagnosed behavior problem.
- 7.1% of children aged 3-17 years (approximately 4.4 million) have diagnosed anxiety.
- 3.2% of children aged 3-17 years (approximately 1.9 million) have diagnosed depression.
Image source: CDC
The figures explicitly show that even children are not immune to mental illnesses. Most of the children are not able to express their emotions and they get succumbed to it. One failure and they sit back blaming the people, situations and their destiny. They fail to understand the importance of being emotionally stable. One relation breaks and they are ready to commit suicide or choose the path of darkness. They do not stand up against their own battles.
The world is full of young minds but are they capable to fight their own battles?
We need to understand that things don't happen according to our whims and fancies. Failure is a part of our progress. Every solution lies within everyone. Ups and downs, roller coaster rides are what you keep experiencing in your journey. The fear of losing is required to be taken over. Running away from the situation is never the solution.
There will be times in life when you feel low, you say things that you don't mean, you do things that you don’t want to do but what matters is how you pull yourselves in such situations. You just need to get up and face the things as they are. Life is a journey full of sorrows and happiness. One cannot experience happiness without sorrow and vice-versa. One must know how to regulate one's emotions and feelings. And to become emotionally stable, you must know to drive headlong in the opposite direction.
-by Priyanka Kumari
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