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Human Mind- The Powerhouse of Energy

Do you ever wonder why meditation, pranayam and life force are given so much of an importance? We often talk about energy and some of us feel and believe that energy is the source of this creation, there are all sorts of energies around us and without energy, nothing sustains. Through this write up, I would like to regiment my focus on energy that is within us and energy which quantum physicists are talking about. During the earlier days, Yogis had a substantial and healthy life span of up to 150 or even 200 years largely without any pathological illness. We may blame lifestyle, globalization and other factors for this age evaporation to an extent, but there is certainly something more to it. When the doctors say that with the help of technology they have been able to increase the life span, are they just referring to the quantification factor of it or quality factor too? We all know the answer I suppose.

Our body is made up of 50 trillion live cells. So, we are not just one life but a whole community in itself. Each cell has a power of 1.4 watts and 1.4 X 50 Trillion is 700 Trillion of voltage inside our body. It’s massive, isn’t?. Through meditation and mental stratagem, we can activate this energy and use it for self-healing and wellbeing. We are surrounded by waves, energies and vibrations. Language was created to hide our emotions and feelings and to make us less sensitive towards vibes and energies. The sciences of telepathy and intuition too work on energies, vibrations and waves. Today, quantum physics is no more talking about particles but it is talking about the waves(Orzel, 2015). When two waves clash with each other, they create a ripple effect. 

Waves produce vibrations or vibes and positive vibes are called constructive interference and negative vibes as destructive interference. When we say we are getting positive vibes about a place, person or a thing, constructive interference of waves is active and vice versa (Kelly, n.d.).

Animals are the biggest live example of energy and waves based interactive communication systems. Whenever Lion is in the vicinity, gazelles start getting restless and once the lion gets too close, they start running for their lives. This proves that vibes are being used by animals for their safety and wellbeing too. We Humans, who have one element superior than all other living beings are ignorant of such a basic, gifted and wonderful science. 

Through scientific evidence, the power of the subconscious mind has been proven (Murphy, 2013). Whatever impression the conscious mind imprints on the subconscious mind, it starts working in that particular direction. That’s why, the concept of positive thinking was invented and practiced for mental & physical wellbeing. Self-healing is all about activating the infinite intelligence & energies that remain unutilised in our subconscious mind and wielding them for universal happiness & prosperity.

Feeling of health produces health and feeling of wealth produces wealth. Our desire & imagination has to be in congruence for us to achieve anything or everything in life. The key for wellbeing, peace and blissfulness exists within us & we can discover it through introspection & impregnating our subconscious mind with unwavering positivity. To put this simply, we just need to master the art of ceasing our incessant cognitive activity for a few minutes daily & experiencing splendid silence & adjournment of perpetual thoughts to activate our concealed energies & some wise people call this technique as Meditation…..

“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” ― Aristotle

Thanks for reading!

Prince Dhawan

Intern, Brain Behaviour Research Foundation of India



1)    Orzel, C.(2015, July 8). Six Things Everyone Should Know About Quantum Physics.

2)    Kelly, M. (n.d.). The Role of Constructive Interference in Mediumship.,combine%20to%20reinforce%20each%20other.&text=While%20we%20cannot%20see%20energy,positive%20energy%2C%20we%20feel%20better.

3)    Murphy, J. (2013). The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. Academia


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