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Showing posts from 2016

Feedback after 4D Brain Analysis


BBRFI DATED:-  11th of April,2015. VENUE:-  GANDHI HINDUSTANI SAHITYA SABHA, RAJGHAT,                  COMPUTER CENTRE CHARACTERS:-  Dr. Alok K Mishra; Rajkumar Sharma: Subodh Kumar; Raghav Pathak;                                     "STARTS WELL THAT ENDS WELL" 'Its high time', that was my situation when I was on my internship phase being a technical student in Computer Science was planning for my career towards enlightenment and I was thus enlightened when Dr. Alok Mishra sir called up for a meeting for detailed discussion on innovative idea sir had.                   I reached the venue around 4 PM and entered into computer centre where I had wonderful breakthrough experience having conversation with Rajkumar Sharma sir. The conversation started becoming interestin...

4D Brain Analysis

4D Brain Analysis Website: Tel:  011 23318575/ 8285826763 Email: 4D Brain Analysis includes: Brain Mapping DNA Mapping Biological Mapping Psychological Mapping 4D Brain Analysis helps :   To know innate talents/potentials of individual.    To get to know what is the one’s learning style.   To find out which area of profession would suit the child the best.  To know genetic IQ.     To get an in-depth knowledge about personality.     Gain the understanding of what is hindering one's growth.     To know about the subjects the student can excel in and thus accordingly choose as their    majors.     To understand why a child performs efficiently only in selective fields.      to maximize child’s potential.      to deal with individual child.        to   Understand th...

Brain Behaviour Research Foundation of India(BBRFI)

Website: Tel: 011 23318575/ 8285826763 Email: Brain Behaviour Research Foundation of India ( BBRFI ) is a national level Research Trust, registered under trust act 1882. BBRFI is a team of dedicated professionals from various disciplines with a common aim of promoting positive mental health and well-being among individuals. Our team includes highly experienced and enthusiastic young minds trained as Psychologists, Engineers and Medical Doctors in addition to administrative staff. Our professionals have a vast experience in dealing with human mind, behavior and health. BBRFI has developed dedicated, structured, comprehensive assessment and training modules which aims to groom adolescents and young adults from all walks of life to help them achieve their goals with minimal hiccups. BBRFI provides Psychological Services and has developed a unique 4D Brain Analysis System to Know the Individual and help them to achieve the Goal. ...