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Showing posts from April, 2018

Stress and its Management

The stress could originate from the external environment or from within the psyche of the individual. The external environment would include environment with climatic factors, physical factors such as heat, cold, atmospheric pressure etc. It would also cover family environment and social ambiance . It could also have its origin in the occupational (work) environment . Note: Some of the possible factors leading to organizational stress are: inter role distance, expectation conflict, role stagnation, over load, resource inadequacy, isolation, and personal inadequacy . The psychological factors become the source of endogenous stress which may result from an internal conflict or the psychic trauma . Positive & Negative dimension of Stress: The positive dimension of stress is also known as eustress.   Eustress can lead to creativity and productivity ; without stress there could be complacency and lethargy . If stress is of a very severe nature, last...

Hyperactivity: ADHD/ ADD

Since, no norms are available for defining normal activity level. So, what is hyperactive for one person or one age group may be quite average for others. Motor over activity, restlessness inattentiveness and distractibility are the some sign of Hyperactivity. Hyperactivity (according to DSM-II) describes a syndrome with the behavioral manifestations as "Over Activity, Restlessness, Distractibility and Short Attention Span" (APA, 1968). DSM-III renames this disorder “Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder/ Attention Deficit Disorder” (i.e., ADHD or ADD)". Distractibility is the main reason for the child being a low performer on attentional tasks as compared to the normal child.  Hyperactivity may be pervasive or situational.  Any normality or deficit must be considered in relation to the cognitive maturity of the child. Attention deficits among ADD children may be caused by maturational lags in memory and attention.  ...