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Showing posts from January, 2018

Impact of Aggression, Stress and Anxiety among Youngsters

Gone are the days when students used to respect and obey their parents, teachers & elders. Now a days, in this fast growing technological era, aggression, stress and anxiety is at alarming stage among youngsters. We become compelled to think about the Mental status of youngsters when we hear news like: 1. A class XI student (Highly Aggressive and Short tempered) of Ryan International School brutally killed a class 2 student with knife just because he had exam phobia and wanted to postpone the examination at any cost.  2. A class XI (15-year-old) boy killed his mother and 11 year old sister with a pair of scissors and a pizza cutter because he was scolded and beaten up at home over a minor issue. His mother's constant pressure and his weakness in studies could have made him feel frustrated and distressed.  "The boy felt his sibling got more attention in the family. He was perhaps weak in studies and was constantly pressurised to study in which he didn't show inter...