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Showing posts from June, 2017

Don't Judge Fish by its ability to climb the tree (Every children has a ...

Dr Alok K Mishra (Chairman, BBRFI) as a special guest in MNNIT Allahabad


New evidence shows that heavy users suffer cognitive, affective, headache and vision problems. Agitated? Tensed? Angry? Can’t stop being online ? Internet addiction is currently a serious public health issue.In the recent years, there has been a rapid growth in the usage of internet in India as well as worldwide, it is a technology which has influenced the world providing advantages on the other hand, it has also emerged as a potential problem in young people today. Internet addiction has the ability to cause neurological problems, psychological disturbances, social problems and loss of educational/occupational distress.   According to studies, Internet addiction disorder-related structural differences in the brain resemble, to some extent, those changes observed in substance addiction ( Fuchun Lin et al, 2016). Experts say, any mental health issue is characterised by impact on neurobehavior. To explore the effect of Internet addiction on neurobehavioral aspects such as S...

Discussion on 4D Brain Analysis system in CABE Meeting